High-Pressure Debris Unit
Superior Performance
Drillpipe debris trap deck unit (DPDT-DU)
Gen 4
Current pit trash and well trash filtering systems require repeat changeouts and multiple units based on operational complexity.
The Gen 4 DPDT-DU is a 15ksi rated active surface filter meant to provide reliability and durability above and beyond expectation with customization available for long term installations
Contains wire wrap screens gauged based on customer mud and brine fluid systems and may be sized to even capture gravel pack sand.
Contains single3” 1502 WECO connections for inlet/outlet integration ease and bypassing in the event of severe plugging, thus permitting rates in excess of 18bpm.
Capable of backflushing individual barrels while still going downhole; eliminating operational pause or preventing downtime during critical pumping operations.
An integrated capturing system allows for inspection of captured debris during the operation.
Digital gauges are provided to identify which barrel is experiencing plugging and to allow an accurate gauge of pressure drops for the surface system
The compact DPDT-DU Gen 3 may be mobilized for shorter, simple operations or the DPDT-IL may be adapted to a single joint of drill pipe permitting installation on deck, below the top drive, or downhole
12ft x 8ft footprint services two zones (i.g. standpipe manifold and boost line) with a single unit.
Screens may be customized to filter astight as desired without stripping weighting agents
Onthefly backflushing eliminates downtime
HP barriers eliminate valves from HP Iron provider
Bypass line provided per zone
Onthefly inspection of debris
No daily consumables
No need to retest
15,000psi HP rating
(3" 1502 WECO FxM)
200psi LP rating
(double isolation per Barrel)
5,700psi Dp across screens
Greater than 18bpm per Barrel
Nitril Seals default elastomer
Outlet ID restriction of 3.187"
Onboard backflushing and inspection point:
Pump Type: Centrifugal Pump
Max Flush Rate: 9.5bpm
Power: 3phase; 230/460V; 70amp
Flush Reservoir: 225gal
Screen Basin 1: 0.125"
Screen Basin 2: 0.030''
Screen Basin 3: 0.006'
Barrel Hydrated Capacity: 13gal
Barrel Dehydrated Capacity: 0.99 ft3
Unit Hydrated Capacity: 52gal
Unit Dehydrated Capacity: 3.9ft3